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Public Appearances and Panel Participation

  • EU Matters Group, 'Discussing EU Gender Action Plan with MEPs Hannah Neumann and Ernest Urtasun', 4th March 2021, (collaborator and online participant)

  • EU Matters Group, 'Feminist Foreign Policy in the EU with MEP Hannah Neumann', 24th February 2021, (online panel moderator)

  • UNESCO Transdisciplinary Chair on Culture and Peace, University of Florence and International UN Watch, 'She is not for Sale', Florence 26th November 2019 (participation as an expert on gender and security)

  • PS21 - Project for the Study of the 21st Century, 'Ethics in the West: Reality or Fallacy?', London 9th November 2019 (link of the panel participation transcript can be found here)

  • 7th PhD London School of Ecomonics Symposium, ‘The Securitization of Female Migrant Domestic Labour in Greece Since the 1990s’, London, 4th – 5th June 2015, (conference paper)

  • 61st PSA Annual Conference, ‘Migration: A Positive Actor for Greece?’, as part of the Greek Politics Specialist Group  in the panel ‘Contemporary Challenges: Greece Beyond the Crisis’ , London, 19th - 21st April 2011, (conference paper)

Conference Participation

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